The couple he refers to is Charles charles fillmore study group and Myrtle Fillmore, the founders of the Unity

. In Joe's book he briefly recounts the story of how the Fillmore's went from a study group in .
Charles Fillmore believed that The Gospel of John contained within it a certain .
charles fillmore study group
Our ACIM study group is doing a "book club" starting November 29th. We'll be going .
The founders of the Unity movement, Cora and Charles Fillmore stayed at Unity Temple in 1938. . minister under the spiritual guidance of Arnita Benson, who led a study group and .
Books of Charles Fillmore; Care of Poor People; Circle of Light; World F ederation of Practical . Inner Christ Awareness Informal Study Group - Gettyburg,PA; Joseph Wolpert Ministries
. Cloud, Minnesota, Charles Fillmore . more organized group. He and his wife were among the first ordained Unity ministers in 1906. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore . However, the study .
Charles Fillmore. Lessons in Truth [3] Charles Fillmore. Judaism. N. deLange. Income Tax Guide for . Meditation for a Metaphysics Study Group; 3. From the Annotated Study Bible, describe 10 .
Unity Study Group on the Mississippi Coast hat eine Notiz mit dem Titel Lenten Lessons - Taken from Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore (Days 5-10, 2nd Sunday) geschrieben. Du .
Word of her healing spread, and she and her husband, Charles Fillmore, began receiving . She later assumed the helm of the Orlando study group, nurturing it into a robust .
The founders of the Unity movement, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, discovered a personal pathway of . One small study group grew into an international association of churches.
. Unity Magazine in 1894) by Charles S. Fillmore (1854-1948), a . fixation eventually led to the formation of a group . with an additional 100 or so congregations and study .
. an Indian trader, Charles
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